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World Health Organization (WHO) / OMS (Organisation Mondiale de la Santé) : 2ème consultation mondiale sur la transplantation

Lors de la deuxième consultation mondiale sur la transplantation, l'OMS a présenté ses recommandations en matière de don et de transplantation de cellules, tissus et organes. Elles sont destinées à faire face au manque mondial de matériaux humains, à leur traçabilité et fiabilité et à la montée du 'tourisme pour greffe'. L’OMS s’inquiète de l'exploitation commerciale hors de toute législation de matériaux humains et souligne que cette pratique est dangereuse tant pour le donneur que pour le receveur. (...). Un observatoire de la transplantation sera crée à Madrid offrant aux autorités médicales et au public toutes les informations sur le don d’organes et les pratiques de transplantations.

Source :
"In most cases, human material for transplantation is obtained from a deceased donor. Successful programmes for the procurement of human material for transplantation from deceased donors from various cultural, religious and economic backgrounds constitute potential models. The need for communities, including health professionals, to become better educated about transplantation is widely recognized as a key to the success of such programmes.

However, despite the frequent use of materials donated from deceased donors, the donation of materials from living donors is necessary for some types of transplants or to compensate for the limited supply of material available from deceased donors in order to meet patient needs. Living donation is thus practised despite the fact that it involves risks for the donor that may not be negligible.

The procurement of human material for transplantation from deceased or living donors and the subsequent allogeneic transplantation entail ethical and safety risks for both the donor and the recipient.

Health authorities must provide effective oversight of all aspects of transplantation in order to control these risks. This oversight is also essential for gaining public support by developing and justifying trust in the procurement organization, particularly since donations are often motivated by altruism and generosity. In addition, the decision to be a donor is often based on the understanding that a contribution to the availability of transplant resources may someday benefit the health needs of the donor’s family."


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