Merci de ne PAS poster de messages concernant la vente d'un organe et comportant des coordonnées téléphoniques, e-mail, etc. La loi française interdit la vente d'organes.

Brain-Dead Child's Parents Opinion Regarding Organ Donation

"Welcome to "My Little Corner of the World"--a forum about organ donation and brain death, created by one who knows about these topics first-hand (me).

Amid stories of people destined to die unless they get an organ transplant, we are told that we can help give these people a second chance at life by signing an organ donor card or its equivalent. That way, if anything ever happens to us and doctors are unable to save our life, they will have the option of using our organs to save someone else's life.

This is, as I say, what we are told. And those who do the telling always make it sound as if there is no downside--and I believed them, and so did my husband. For many years, we both answered the call and carried the special organ donor icon on our driver's licenses--but we don't anymore, and I created this forum as a place to tell my story about what changed our minds."

Author of this Forum : Cathy Oak

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